April 17, 2018
Do you have a business or professional practice of particular interest to elder law attorneys? Or, does your business serve directly the elderly, or those with special needs?
If so, you may be interested in a very affordable way to reach elder law and special needs attorneys in Massachusetts (and by extension, their clients). For just $200 for an entire twelve month period, your business can be on the Vendor List in the members-only area of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (“Mass NAELA”) website.
Mass NAELA is an independent affiliate of NAELA, and at 500 attorney members is the largest state chapter of NAELA. Mass NAELA’s members are powerful influencers among clients, allied professionals, and those in government who care about our vulnerable populations.
If you are interested, please email or call Barbara or Myron Cohen, Chapter Administrators, at compuword@aol.com or 617-566-5640. Let them know you saw this blog post from Special Needs Law Group of Massachusetts, PC.
Deadline for applications is May 1, 2018.