Multigenerational Living on the Increase

Pew Research analysis reports 20% of population living in multigenerational homes There are a record number of multigenerational homes in the U.S. and that trend is expected to keep rising, according to a Pew Research Center analysis reported in Financial Advisor...

AANE LifeNet Program

August 20, 2018 One of the biggest challenges we face with our clients and their families in crafting a long-term care plan is addressing the human resources needed for a lifetime of personal support and advocacy. Many parents and even siblings are concerned with who...

Ready to Retire? Watch for Hidden Fees

Fees can drain your accounts, so watch them carefully. You have saved for many, many years and are now ready for retirement. You need to accomplish  many tasks as you get ready to leave your job but one of the most important things to watch for as you go over...

Retiring? 61 Is NOT the Magic Number

Social Security rules and regulations are the key to the magic retirement age. For some reason, many American have come to believe the magic number for retirement is 61 and they are wrong, according to The Motley Fool’s article “Americans’ Ideal Retirement Age–and Why...